Nuts > Hazelnuts

Harvested at just the right time, these hazelnuts (filberts) from Oregon are quite tasty and are immense in size. These are graded as Jumbo, which are just huge!!! Loaded with nutrition, raw hazelnuts can be eaten whole, ground, flaked or made into butter or oil.

Health Tips
1. Hazelnuts contain nearly 91 percent monounsaturated fat and less than 4 percent saturated fat. Over 30 tree nut studies indicate this high level of monounsaturated fat is likely responsible for a reduction in both total blood and LDL cholesterol levels when hazelnuts are consumed as part of a low saturated fat diet.

2. It also contributes significant amounts of protein, fiber, iron, phosphorus, vitamins B1, B2, C, and E, folate and many other essential nutrients. Replacing a less nutrient dense snack with heart healthy and flavorful hazelnuts has many health benefits.


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