Dried Fruits > Peaches

Dried peaches are moist, delicious, and full of potassium. Taste the best of what California has to offer. One bite, and you will realize why these dried peaches are the best you will find anywhere.

Health Tips
1. Red-pigmented beta-carotene is a powerful member of the antioxidant family. Visible in the vibrant orange color of California peaches, beta-carotene is transformed to vitamin A in the body.

2. Vitamin A plays a crucial role in maintaining the skin, internally and externally, as well as in protecting the eyes, building strong teeth and bones and healthy hair. Additionally, research indicates that vitamin A has been linked to reduced rates of cancer and heart disease. Just one serving of California peaches contains six percent of the U.S. RDA for vitamins.

3. Vitamin C boosts the immune system, promotes healing and helps prevent cancer, heart disease and stroke. This aggressive antioxidant is essential to optimum health and California peaches can help. One half-cup serving of canned peaches contains eight percent of the U.S. RDA.

4. Research indicates that vitamin E is particularly effective in preventing heart disease and breast cancer. While vitamin E is primarily found in vegetable oils, nuts, seeds and wheat germ, California peaches contain a significant amount. In a study conducted by Ohio State University, one half-cup serving of canned peaches contributes up to 24% of the U.S. RDA for vitamin E.

5. Peaches offer a source of carbohydrates, protein, dietary fiber, vitamin C and vitamin A. This nutritious fruit also contains boron, known to boost estrogen levels in postmenopausal women, stimulate the brain, and aid in prevention of osteoporosis.

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