Dried Fruits > Blueberry

Dried Oregon Blueberries, slightly sweetened, are ideal for cereals, cakes, muffins, salads or just snacking for a real treat.
Dried Blueberries have been found to improve vision, clear arteries, strengthen blood vessels, enhance memory, stop urinary tract infections, reverse age-related physical and mental declines,and promote weight control. In general, blueberries are one of the richest sources of antioxidant phytonutrients found in any fruit. Antioxidants help the body protect itself against diseases.

Health Tips
1. They're low in fat, sodium free and a good source of both fiber and vitamin C.

2. A one cup serving of fresh blueberries will give you five grams of fiber - more than most fruits and vegetables - and 15% of your daily vitamin C.

3. Researchers at the USDA Human Nutrition Center (HNRCA) have found that blueberries rank #1 in antioxidant activity when compared to 40 other fresh fruits and vegetables. Anthocyanin -- the pigment that makes the blueberries blue -- is thought to be responsible for this major health benefit. Studies have found that consumption of blueberries strengthens eyesight, inhibits aging, and improves memory.

4. In another USDA Human Nutrition Center (HNRCA) lab, neuroscientists discovered that feeding blueberries to laboratory rats slowed age-related loss in their mental capacity, a finding that has important implications for humans.

5. Blueberries may reduce the build up of so called "bad" cholesterol that contributes to cardiovascular disease and stroke, according to scientists at the University of California at Davis. Antioxidants are believed to be the active component.

6. Researchers at Rutgers University in New Jersey have identified a compound in blueberries that promotes urinary tract health and reduces the risk of infection. It appears to work by preventing bacteria from adhering to the cells that line the walls of the urinary tract.

7. A number of studies in Europe have documented the relationship between bilberries, the European cousin of blueberries and improved eyesight. This is thought to occur because of the anthocyanin in the blue pigment which is also available in the blueberry. One study in Japan documented that blueberries helped ease eye fatigue.

8. In Sweden, dried blueberries are used to treat childhood diarrhea (Kowalchuk, 1976). This use is attributed to anthocyanosides, a natural substance found in blueberries which is believed to be "lethal" to E. Coli (a bacteria sometimes linked to the infection).

9. Blueberries contain a variety of compounds. These include: antioxidants, anthocyanosides, bacterial inhibitors, folic acid, vitamins A and C, carotenoids, ellagic acid, folic acid, and dietary fibers.


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