Grains > Wheat

The United States is the third largest producer of wheat in the world. On average, the United States produces 62,550 TMT of wheat. The United States is the fourth largest consumer of wheat, on average consuming 35,704 TMT. The United States imports, on average, 2,584 TMT and it exports 28,547 TMT, Making the U.S. the largest wheat-exporting nation in the world.


In the U.S., hard red winter wheat is planted from the first of September through the end of October. In the southern states, winter wheat heads out during May and the harvest begins at the end of May. As the harvest progresses north through the central U.S. winter wheat belt, heading and harvest are pushed back until harvest finishes in the northern states during mid to late August. The major growing areas for hard red winter wheat are located in the mid-west, centering on Kansas, with a belt running from Texas to the Dakota and Montana.


Soft red winter wheat planting begins around the first of September, with planting running through the end of October. SRW can be expected to start heading around the first of May, with harvesting beginning at the end of May and running through the end of July. Soft red winter wheat is grown east of the Mississippi River.


Durum and dark northern spring wheat have pretty much the same growth cycle. They are planted from mid-April through the end of May. DNS and Durum generally begin heading around mid-June, with harvest beginning in mid-July and running through mid-September. Dark northern spring wheat is grown predominately in North Dakota, South Dakota and Montana. Durum is grown almost completely in North Dakota and northeastern Montana, with a small amount grown in northern South Dakota.


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